I do like new stuff. Especially when it's stuff I've paid for ages ago, that makes it even better!
Just got my moas through from the Phoenix Club, and they're being turned into praetorian rough riders. I'll get a project log with pics up at the weekend, but they do look awesome.
Also got my heads through from Empress Miniatures this morning. Contacted the lovely people there and they were most helpful. The heads set they do should be 4 caps and 4 pith helmeted heads, but I was really after 8 pith helmets (no real use for the caps). Obviously as a small company it's not easy for them to adjust runs like that, but they managed to match my order up with another customer who just wanted the caps, and I got 24 pith helmeted guys for my praetorians. Awesome, and obviously hugely recommend them. I know it's not GW's fault, but I do love the customer service you get at the smaller companies. Always feels much more personal.
Marching in to 2025.
5 days ago