Right then, things are progressing nicely. Hit a minor stumbling block in the praetorian tanks in that I've run out of road wheels. I need something about 18mm diameter to work for the hellhound. If anyone has any suggestions..
The two APCs are now complete though, which is good news, and quite surprising that I took two simultaneously all the way through to completion. Not like me at all really.
I've started the hellhound, the chassis is underway and I've found a suitable tank. As I say though, roadwheels will be an issue here.
Planned out the command chimera, but that now needs my predator to arrive. Hopefully it's just delayed by the holiday break.
Also started a basilisk. I'll get photos and a log up asap. It's sort of a Hummel meets an M110a2. Ish. I've found enough large road wheels to do this one, but of course I've run out of tracks! They're on order from ebay.
Oh and I undercoated my Kiv Guard Armoured Fist squad, so they'll need painting at some point. I think I'm going to invert the colour scheme to denote them as a different unit type.
The baneblade is finished, did I mention that? All painted and shiney. One of the sponson hvy bolters has come loose, not sure how to fix that at this point, but it's painted. So again. Woo.
I very nearly bought some praetorians from ebay, but resisted the urge. Still holding out hope the phoenix club will cast their suitable torsos and I can convert cadians.
Marching in to 2025.
5 days ago