Random postage. So I've tried most different things for stripping paint from models, although never been able to get hold of Simple Green and refuse to pay the stupid postage costs they were asking last time I checked.
Anyway finally tried out Fairy Power Spray. And it works! I'm flummoxed. I put three metal minis in to soak last night. Two were ebay purchases with undisclosed amounts of paint, the third was my old space wolf captain I've had... oooh about 18 years. He's been many things in his time and has a lot of knackered paint on. Had several goes at stripping him but never really succeeded.
About 16 hours in the power spray and the paint was literally falling off. I scrubbed down the two new ebay ones and I'm happy with them. Wolfie has had a scrub and is back in to soak for a while longer. I've also added a load of other guys in.
I'll get some pics when they're all out. I may even do a proper test showing before and after pics. But yeah, well worth a go. And pretty cheap stuff too. Excellent.
Marching in to 2025.
5 days ago