So, I've been losing inspiration with the modelling jobby again. It waxes and wanes, as my frequency of updates will attest. Over the past god knows how many years I've drifted in and out of the hobby depending on what takes my fancy.
I flitted from the gargant, which was overwhelming and will need a real running start to get going again, on to my AoBR orks, then onto a rather sexy little SM jeep I've not got online again. And now I'm stuck again.
However, BoLS came to the rescue, with their publishing of an Arbites codex a few days ago. Something I've been interested in for a while, I briefly started a "security force" contingent of my guard. This has given me a little push. I've used the money gained from selling my dread to buy a rhino, which will be converted into a repressor. I'm going to see if I can hit up someone for three scout bikes at christmas. I'm still undecided about the actual arbites. I have a squad of Junker Legionaires who will be included, but I'm toying with the idea of using my RT Guardsmen I bought at great expense of t'bay and never used.
Unfortunately I'll need to tweak my site design now to get another army button up there. Bah.
This is the end... of 2024!
2 months ago
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