Gah, the time it flies so fast. On the plus side, I reckon I'll get a few days off at christmas so should be able to make a real dint in things.
However, I now have done almost all the sculpting for my first 5 man patrol squad. Three shotgunners, a proctor (in beret!) and a "heavy" with a hvystubber. Really happy with the look and feel of them. Although as always once I take photos and see them at 4 or 5 times actual size the sculpting will look dire. But I definitely think I'm improving.
I'm also working on their chimera. I know I said no chimeras but I'm working on a scratch build. I dismantled the poor aimless Chiron, and have rebuilt it into a 6wheeled vehicle based on the M38 Wolfhound. Fitted the track guards tonight but I'm not convinced by them, might have another go tomorrow.
Photos to follow as soon as the shotgunners get their left arms and I finish the proctor's codpiece!
This is the end... of 2024!
2 months ago
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