I spent a long time trying to come up with a suitable sentinel for the Praetorians. I didn't want the old egg on legs type walker and didn't think the new sentinels really fit that well.
Eventually I decided to have a go at a Universal Carrier type vehicle. Some very small, (sub-tankette size) tracked vehicle with a two man crew.
Initially I was going to use tank crew mounted through hatches, but decided whilst that would work for the driver it'd look odd for the gunner. So I've dropped the platform height in the back and I'll have the gunner standing inside the armoured compartment.
Main structure is built, I need to put the compartment in place, then I have two side panels to bring the back up to the width of the front. It'll make more sense once that step's complete. Quite excited about this one.
Oh and that guy is the army commander, though he needs a spot of work. Since getting the pith helmets sculpted by Col Gravis, I've been going through tweaking the heads of existing characters. We'll see where it goes.
Marching in to 2025.
5 days ago