I've updated the wartrakk's blog with the finished pics of the first one and the wip pics of the next two. Quite happy with how they're coming along.

Also bought the ork battlewagon (hence my move from arbites to grots for now), and I'm currently working on ways to make it fit better. I get the feeling it might end up being a cross between a tank and Howl's moving castle. We shall see.
Bought two sets of the new gretchin models, probably going to be my "slugga" boyz. Pretty cool models, fairly flexible I think.
Finally sorted out some display cabinets for my models too. Bought two six foot high ones which are now more or less full. I'll take some photos for posterity. Shame how bloody awful my painting was (meh, and is if we're honest). But nice to see the history of my collection in one place. Well two places, all the wips are still in my study.
Oh yeah, and I've finally been inspired to do my iron squiggoth (named after Krooza's of course), which I think will have to rock. Oh yes.
Your point - on BoLS - is noted.
Hello: I like your conversions!
I'll pop a link to you in my blogroll this weekend, if you don't mind...
- Drax
I don't have a blog myself (yet), but otherwise I can only agree with Admiral Drax :)
You do have some very nice conversions on your site and I guess I'll add your blog to the ones I check frequently!
Guess now you have your "progress", hehe.
Thanks guys, appreciate the comments. I need to find a way to pull my blogroll into the front page of my site, but I'll certainly add yours on there Admiral Drax, very impressive army you have there.
Oh and I promise I didn't post the comment on bols to drum up visitors, but I'm not complaining if that's the outcome ;)
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