Wow, it's been over a month since I last posted. Sorry about that to those who care.
Good news is I have been working hard of various models, aside from a week of feeling like death. No photos as of yet, but I will be making a rather large update soon.
I've started painting the second two wartrakks, they're looking ok. They're quite different to the first one, not sure which style I prefer. The new way is definitely quicker, so I may just stick with that for the sake of getting things painted. Also started the wartrukk in the same style.
Also have begun a trukk for the new grots I bought. It's very sturmtigery, assuming you can imaging the sturmtiger as an open topped troop transport with no big gun. Heh. I quite like it.
Alas I then got distracted, somewhat bizarely, by my Praetorians of all things. I've been trying to come up with a decent design for their chimeras for a while. I started thinking about trying to recreate a Saracen, but too many odd angles and finding wheels the right size was a pain. Anyway the wheeled transport for the arbites has somewhat satiated that desire for a while. In the end I've gone for an FV432 style design. I'm hoping it will tie in ok with the Ragnarok esque leman russ, it's quite a different design. But they're simple little functional transports and I'm happy with the design. So I'm doing two. I've also got the plans ready for a hellhound version. I might wait until the new IG releases for that though to get some ideas (and bitz!).
Speaking of new IG releases, the Valkyrie is only 35quid! What a bargain. I shall definitely be buying one of them. My Kiv guard will soon be separated from the Praetorians and start to garner their own style. So many plans, so little time..
Speaking of bitz, I just placed another order with Bitz Box and they're really spot on. Far cheaper than the other bitz sites I've found (Wookiehole is painfully expensive for some things), has a reasonable stock, though I guess all bitz sites are prone to running low as they try to sell the more unpopular pieces. And their delivery times are spot on, 2 days delivery for a dirt cheap order. Very impressed and will definitely have to remember them for the future.
Not a lot else to prattle about at the moment, I will be back with photos of the various things I've mentioned when I get a mo. Also busy trying to find Mordians on ebay (to decapitate and use as Praets). Once I get a new squad I think I'll break the Praetorians into their own section on the site. Woo for too many armies (and that's not including the Ultras and Blood Angels sat in my display cabinet, or the CSM in a box under my desk or my ageing Ork clans :) ).
This is the end... of 2024!
2 months ago
Hi There, stumbled accross your blog from BOLS, im really impressed with your vehicle conversons. Ones that stand out are the salamander, arbites chimera, ragnarok the bromhead leman russ variant.
i really envy your vision and skill, to be able to make sweet WW1/WW2, even modern day looking vehicles. very cool.
i'll be keeping an eye, consider me a regular from now :D
Thanks! Really appreciate the kind comments.
Just posting an update on the arbites chimera, as well as a few new vehicles. It's all been a bit scatty the past few months, no real focus so I'm developing all my armies at once. Oh well, keeps things interesting!
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